Gymnastics from Home - For any of you who are not quite ready to come back, Peak has purchased a virtual learning package with Gymnastics USA so that your gymnast can continue to progress. Click on the Gymnastics at Home icon below.
Peak's COVID-19 requirements: •All students must sign-in and pay through the parent portal located on our website to reduce traffic in the lobby. • All members/guests must bring their own water bottle. The drinking fountain is only permitted to be used for refilling bottles. • Wash hands frequently. • Follow CDC guidelines regarding face coverings. • Surfaces must be sanitized frequently. • All members/guests must sign a questionnaire/waiver, which states as follows:
BEFORE EACH AND EVERY ENTRY INTO THE FACILITY, I ATTEST AS FOLLOWS: I am not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell in the last 24 hours. Have not had a fever within the last 48 hours. I am not high risk with serious underlying medical conditions like chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma and/or are immunocompromised. Have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days. Have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the USA in the last 14 days. Do not believe to have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/COVID-19 and not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities. I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
DROP OFFS / PICK-UPS: Due to safety considerations and traffic flow, parents are asked to drop off and pick up their children before and after class outside the gymnastic room doors. Please use the “Door A” for drop offs for gymnasts using the main gym.
If you are enrolled in one of the following classes, please use "Door B" for entering and exiting, as your classes are located in our upstairs gyms: Mini Peaks, Jr. Peaks, Fitness classes or Yoga.
Pick up will be a drive-thru at the Door on the left-hand side of the building if you are facing Door A. This door is dedicated for “exiting” and we are asking that all vehicles pull in with the passenger side door facing the building so your gymnast can hop in your car efficiently. Your child's coach will be available at pick up in case parents have any questions.
PARENT VIEWING AREA: If you would like to stay and watch your student, parents/guardians can go through Door B and watch from the mezzanine area. Due to limited viewing space, we are asking/encouraging parents to drop off and return for pick up if possible.
The above drop off / pick-up policies are to ensure the the safety of your students.